Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sunway Lagoon - Wildlife park

Sorry for the late post about Sunway
I just finish install all my software bcuz comp have been format
Well, we went to Sunway last Friday
The reason we went there is to complete our sivik projek
That projek is about animal, so we chooses Wildlife park
We mus captured some animal pictures
At first we thought Zoo will be better, the entrance fees will be cheaper
But the transport to zoo will be much complicated
The wildlife park entrance fees is RM45 , so expensive
But we have no idea about it, the reason we went to there is finish our projek

waiting KTM
Evelyn ,Me

Me ,h ping


We had lunch at Kim Gary, the taste of food just normal
It will be better if we go Pasta de Gohan
Anyway Happy Holidays & Selamat Hari Raya