First at all, I didn't feel interested at this thingy
Furthermore, it was in Saturday (replacement class)I hate to go school at Saturday
So, I refused to attend this ''ceramah''
But teacher forced us to go, if no she will bring us yo see guru disiplin
OK, OK , at last I go
Woke up early at the morning & straight heading to school
The bus driver came late.....
Arrived our destination after 1 hour
Our destination is UPM, of Agriculture department
Our ceramah is about '' Kerjaya di sektor perladangan & komoditi ''
First we ate our ''buffet'' breakfast, meehun & some kuih
After finish eating. we went to the hall
The speech start, didn't really pay attention of the speech
Kinda boring, those Malay's students keep asking many questions
And we just listen...listen.....
1:00, finally our ceramah ended
Lunch time.... ate chicken wings & some vegetables......
After lunch, we went to the exhibition of chocolate
Ate this: marshmellow + chocolate
Really tired now.......
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